On June 6-8, one of the largest and most significant events for translation and localization professionals, the LocWorld 37 conference, was held in Warsaw.
LocWorld conferences are emblematic networking events that are held 3 times a year. Every year, a theme is selected following the most relevant trends in the industry. 2018 is the year of “Digital Transformation”.
As a company that keeps pace with the times, Technolex closely monitors the main tendencies within the industry as well as global social trends; therefore, it is a frequent visitor to LocWorld events.
LocWorld 37 was no exception. Here is what we took away from our visit:
Binary code, which uses 1s and 0s to represent more complex data and laid the foundation for the entire digital era, now stands as a perfect symbol of digital transformation: nowadays, companies either introduce digital technologies into their business processes or look to the future with confidence – 1, or they ignore the fact that times are changing, bury their heads in the sand and gradual get left behind – 0. Being successful is no longer just about being a good professional: you have to get involved in the global social context.
Rapid social transformations such as globalization, the blurring of borders, ever-growing multilingualism, and, of course, digitization, to which the conference is dedicated, are all social trends that LSP companies should take into account if they intend to stay in the international market for a long time.
The intrusion of digital technologies, including AI, inevitably raises whether the human factor will be displaced from most processes – an idea which provokes much fear and protest among language industry professionals.
However, much like when swimming in the open ocean, it is useless to contend with the force of nature. You have to embrace the tide and let it take you where you want to go! Speaking about social processes – which can neither be stopped nor controlled – it is advisable to apply the same principle.
Do not forget that innovation brings not only risks but vast new opportunities.
According to the Nimdzi analysis, machine learning and AI are currently the second-largest venture investment. Moreover, artificial intelligence systems have to be trained, which opens up good opportunities for LSPs to make profitable use of their resources.
The International Data Corporation (IDC) forecasts a fourfold increase for this market segment over the next 5 years, from $12 billion to $57.6 billion. Inspiring, isn’t it?
The development and rapid growth of the gaming industry offer incredible opportunities for global LSP market players. Today’s LocWorld37 conference also held a separate forum dedicated to the gaming industry, a clear reflection of the growth of the video game market.
According to an open report from the company Newzoo, at the end of 2017, the value of the video games market amounted to $108.9 billion, a figure which is projected to grow further to $128.6 billion by the year 2020. This presents promising prospects for the translation and localization industry. So, let’s play!
Speed is the main challenge and philosophy for the digital age. Easier, simpler, faster! Everything that can be simplified, facilitated, and accelerated should be!
‘3 clicks’ is the reference model for any process today. At the same time, top quality is a must.
Of course, this can only be achieved through the use of innovative technologies. This is where “analog methods” do not give the necessary results and delegation of routine tasks to digital systems (TMS, TBMS) goes from being a useful tool to being an absolute necessity.
According to the Nimdzi analysis, conducted within the framework of the LocWorld37 conference, almost every company surveyed is looking for a TMS system for its business processes or intends to change its existing system to a streamlined cloud service.
Most companies buy ready-made solutions while others develop exclusive services to fit their needs, but some companies go further and bring their IT products to the international market. Since 2016, Technolex TS has been successfully selling its two TMS products, Protemos and TQAuditor, on the open market.
One thing is certain: the “digital maturity” of a company, i.e. the optimization of its processes through digital automation tools, has now become one of the key elements of its reputational capital. Digital technologies are evidence of reliability, speed, and quality, a sign of systemic thinking, and a global vision of the social context in its dynamics.