
Interpretation process

While interpretation services often get conflated with translation, they are entirely distinct disciplines. The primary difference lies in the medium: translation involves written text, while interpretation focuses predominantly on spoken language.

Despite both processes requiring the conversion of meaning between two languages, they demand unique skill sets, tools, and capabilities.

Translators vs. Interpreters

A translator has the luxury of time to deliberate, consult dictionaries, refine style, and check spelling and grammar, culminating in a written product that can be reproduced indefinitely. In contrast, an interpreter needs to react swiftly, instantly conveying the meaning in the target language without pausing for reflection. Unlike translators, interpreters don’t need to worry about textual aesthetics. The tools employed by each profession also differ significantly.

There are two primary categories of interpretation: consecutive and simultaneous. Consecutive interpretation involves the interpreter speaking after the source language speaker has finished a segment of speech. Simultaneous interpretation, on the other hand, is more complex, as the interpreter listens to the next sentence while articulating the interpretation of the previous one.

Seamless Interpretation Solutions

Interpreters may work directly behind the speaker in a practice known as “chuchotage” (whispering) or operate from a specially equipped booth separate from the speaker and the audience. Advances in technology have also facilitated remote interpretation services, provided the internet connection is strong enough.

Our team boasts expertise and experience in all the aforementioned types of interpretation services. If you require any form of interpretation services, please contact us by filling out this [form].

Step into a world where language barriers cease to exist. Our skilled interpreters ensure your message is heard and understood, no matter the language or location. Connect with us for seamless, real-time communication across borders.