
Interpretation process

While interpretation services are frequently confused with translation, they represent distinct disciplines. The key distinction lies in the fact that translation involves written text, whereas interpretation predominantly centers on spoken language.

Despite the common goal of conveying meaning between languages, each process requires specific skill sets, tools, and capabilities.

Translators vs. interpreters

A translator benefits from time for reflection, refining style, and checking details, resulting in a written product that can be reproduced endlessly. In contrast, an interpreter must swiftly convey meaning in the target language without pause. The tools and techniques used in each profession, including consecutive and simultaneous interpretation, further distinguish their distinct roles.

Seamless interpretation solutions

Interpreters may employ ‘chuchotage’ (whispering) behind the speaker or work from a booth, with technological advancements enabling remote services if internet connectivity is robust. Our team excels in all these interpretation methods. If you need interpretation services, please reach out through our contact form to experience a world without language barriers, where our skilled interpreters ensure your message is heard and understood across borders.