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First diplomas

As promised, we are publishing the first Coursera certificate received upon the course completion:

Learn and prove your knowledge on Coursera.

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Technolex meets translation students

Last week, we had a great opportunity to meet the translation students of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. We were greatly impressed by the atmosphere of the University with a long history, the progressive initiatives of the professors and authorities, and the talented youth. In our presentation, we had a chance […]

Technolex becomes a GALA member!

At the beginning of the year, we decided to join the Globalization and Localization Association (GALA), a global non-profit trade association for the translation and localization industry. So finally, Technolex is a proud member of GALA. In March 2019, we will be happy to meet you at the 11th GALA conference in Munich. 

Meet Central Europe 2018: The Takeaways for Technolex Translation Studio

On October 30-31, The Meet Central Europe 2018 international translation and localization industry summit took place in Budapest. We met with our delegates Maria Malykhina and Igor Marach, who had just got back from the forum, to ask them a few questions about their takeaways from the conference. Read about their impressions and discoveries in […]

Technolex participated at the ELIA’s Networking Days 2018

PNG IS NOT AN OPTION!  The final chord of ELIA’s Networking Days in Austria has been played, and we are resting with our sweet memories of this outstanding event. We were lucky to meet our years-long partners who’ve already become our friends, to make new acquaintances, to share our experience with other companies, and to […]


On June 6-8, one of the largest and most significant events for translation and localization professionals, the LocWorld 37 conference, was held in Warsaw. LocWorld conferences are emblematic networking events that are held 3 times a year. Every year, a theme is selected following the most relevant trends in the industry. 2018 is the year of […]