Technolex at the Locworld conference
Several days already have passed after the #locworld28 conference. Now we are back, business cards are sorted and notes are deciphered. So, we are ready to share what was the conference about and what was the reason for coming there.
LocWorld is the leading conference for international business, translation, localization, and global website management. Software companies, OS makers, MLV & LSP, independent translators, and consultants, this time there were about 570 participants. 12+ hours of communication, networking, meetings, lectures, getting new information every day, and for Berlin, where the conference took place this June, just a glance. This is how it looks within. The outer side of the conference changes a lot in localization world understanding. Some information confirms your thoughts and point of view, other pushes you to reevaluate and change ideas and plans. In other words, like similar big events, LocWorld inspires you and gives space for reflection.
Summarizing it, we’d say that:
– MT volumes are increasing in localization processes. Although Russian МТ quality is far from even satisfactory, the situation will change soon.
– Speed is one of the key values in the localization market.
– Communication with users in understandable language, not just correct, is a must. This approach has been adopted by IT companies, but many editors still don’t accept it.
– Disregarding globalization, there is a high demand for localization. Products speak with users in more and more languages.