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On June 6-8, one of the largest and most significant events for translation and localization professionals, the LocWorld 37 conference, was held in Warsaw. LocWorld conferences are emblematic networking events that are held 3 times a year. Every year, a theme is selected following the most relevant trends in the industry. 2018 is the year of […]

How to avoid mistakes while working with a translation agency: advice for clients

When purchasing goods or ordering a service, we expect them to meet our expectations. But you don’t always get what you pay for, and that is especially the case if you can’t check what you’re buying in advance. Translation services are no exception: you can contact a translation agency with a good reputation and recommendations […]

Smartcat survey

Technological development allows us an ever-greater degree of freedom. From a communications channel, the Internet has become a medium for storing and processing information, while increasing network capacity and improvements to hardware and virtual technologies have made widespread access to cloud computing possible. The cloud enables not only access to information from anywhere in the […]

How to quickly create a project in Protemos

You can open the Create Project page in Protemos with one shortcut. Some of you use Protemos as a translation project management system. It is simple and convenient, and if you create many projects a day, you can speed up your work and get rid of tedious and routine actions. To create a project in Protemos, you need to […]

How to quickly search in Trados Studio concordance

You can search in Trados Studio in both source and target without a mouse! Like any other serious CAT tool, Trados Studio helps you work by allowing you to search in concordance—i.e., in the translation memory attached to a Trados Studio project you work on. There is a dedicated shortcut: F3. (By the way, it is the same in the ancient Trados 2007.) […]

How to choose a translation agency

This article provides step-by-step instructions for clients looking for translation services who may be outside their expertise and thus don’t know how to find a competent service provider. We outline some of the simplest steps that can be taken to minimize the likelihood of choosing an unreliable translation agency. Agencies use similar procedures when working […]

How to quickly start or close programs

You can start or close a program with only one shortcut. 99.9% of users start programs with a mouse. The quickest way to start a program with a mouse is to double-click its icon on the desktop. This action seems to be as simple as possible, but it includes several even simpler actions: Starting programs […]

How to show or hide tags in Trados Studio

Be careful with tag appearance in Trados Studio! Look at the screenshot below: It is an ordinary text in an ordinary Trados Studio document, isn’t it? You translated it and everything looks good. But if you try to perform a QA (press F8), you suddenly receive multiple error messages about tag mismatches. You are puzzled, as there are only five […]

How to resolve a “general massive catastrophic system failure” in Trados Studio

“General massive catastrophic system failure” in Trados Studio is neither general nor massive, nor catastrophic. On some occasions, Trados Studio shows a frightful message, “general massive catastrophic system failure.” This can happen in different versions of Trados Studio. The message is horrible: you may think planet Nibiru will crash into the Earth soon, and it is the right time to panic. Ironically, […]