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How to quickly replace straight quotation marks with chevrons in Word

You can convert all straight quotes in the text into chevrons with one replacement We already know how to quickly convert straight quotes into guillemets (chevrons) in Trados Studio and memoQ. Sometimes you get to do this not in the “cat” (that is, not in the CAT tool, a computer-aided translation tool) but right in the so-called “mono text,” i.e., the text […]

How to quickly replace straight quotation marks with chevrons in memoQ

In memoQ, you can change all straight quotes in the text to chevrons with one command In the previous post, we learned to convert straight quotes into guillemets in Trados Studio at one blow. In this post, we’ll learn to perform the same operation in memoQ. This is how it’s done. Open the replace dialog box. Press CTRL+H and the Quick find […]

How to quickly replace straight quotation marks with chevrons in Trados Studio 

All straight quotes in the text can be changed to chevrons with one command From time to time, there is a problem: in the long text, you have to change all straight quotes (“”) to chevrons, aka guillemets («»). It’s difficult to do with the help of the Find and Replace feature: opening and closing straight quotation marks are the same […]