Blog Archive

Attribute error in WordFast 5.6

In old versions of WordFast, you may get an attribute error If you use WordFast Pro 5.6 or another version older than Wordfast Pro 5.12 and try opening TXLF files generated in the new version, you may get the following error message: Attribute ‘gs4tr:uuid’ is not allowed to appear in the element ‘file’  It takes place because earlier WF versions can’t recognize this attribute. To […]

How to convert Wordfast TM into TMX

The most convenient way to convert Wordfast TM to TMX format involves Xbench A Wordfast TM file has .txt extension. It is a usual .txt file delimited with tabs specially. There are several ways to convert it to TMX format that allows TM exchange between other CAT tools. The easiest and quickest way involves Xbench (either free or paid version). Step 1: Load […]

Hidden characters In different CAT tools

In this post, we will show how to enable hidden characters in the mainstream CAT tools A month ago, we mentioned hidden characters in Word. Since it is useful to see them when working on texts, it makes sense to know how to toggle them in the mainstream CAT tools.  Trados Studio When in Editor mode, select Home tab on the […]

How to convert Wordfast offline TM to TMX format

There is an easy 2-step way to convert Wordfast translation memory from custom .txt format into the generally acceptable .tmx format The easiest way is to use Xbench. The free 2.9.0 Xbench build is enough. Yes, this tool is useful not just for QA 🙂 You do not even need Wordfast itself. 1. Load the .txt file with the offline Wordfast TM into the Xbench, as if […]