How to turn 100% of segments into XU and vice versa in TagEditor
You can turn 100% of segments into XU segments and vice versa even without TagEditor
It is a simple trick that can be done even without TagEditor.
To turn 100% of segments into XU segments (i.e., blocked protected segments) in a .ttx file, you need to make the following replacement:
<Tu MatchPercent=”100″>
<Tu MatchPercent=”100″ Origin=”xtranslate”>
To turn XU segments into 100% segments, you need to make the reverse replacement:
<Tu MatchPercent=”100″ Origin=”xtranslate”>
<Tu MatchPercent=”100″>
or (since the order of attributes in such strings is arbitrary):
<Tu Origin=”xtranslate” MatchPercent=”100″>
<Tu MatchPercent=”100″>
Please note the a .ttx file can be edited as if it is a regular text file (.txt), directly in any text editor, for example, in Notepad.