How to check spelling in Excel
You can check spelling check is in Excel via the standard Microsoft Office engine
Unfortunately, it is impossible to check spelling in Excel like we do this in Word, where misspelled words are underlined with red (if you know the way, please tell us). Excel was initially designed mostly for numbers, and hence, spelling is not its strong point.
Nevertheless, checking spelling is possible, of course, but with the help of the Spelling dialog box. It is the standard way in all Microsoft Office programs.
To run the spelling check in Excel, click Review tab > Spelling, or just press F7. The ordinary Spelling dialog box opens, with standard options: Skip, Skip All, Add to Dictionary, Change, Change All, Cancel.
- If you want to check the content of a particular cell, select the cell and put the text cursor inside by double-clicking it, then run the spelling check.
- If you want to check the content of several cells, select them with the SHIFT key, then run the spelling check.
- If you want to check the content of the entire spreadsheet, select a cell on it WITHOUT double-clicking it and putting the text cursor inside, then run the spelling check. Please note that all comments, page headers, footers, and graphics are checked as well.
Note: Excel doesn’t check spelling in cells that contain formulas.