Blog Archive

How to enable and configure spelling check in Passolo

Passolo can check spelling using Word spelling engine. In earlier posts, we configured spelling checks in Word, memoQ, Trados Studio, and Wordfast. Today our point of interest is Passolo. Passolo is a CAT tool developed by SDL for the translation of user interfaces (UI) and video games. It is available in several editions: In all of them, the method is the same: In Passolo, […]

How to enable and configure spelling check in Trados Studio

Trados Studio can check spelling using Word spelling engine. After Word, memoQ, and Wordfast, we get to Trados Studio. Here is how to enable and configure spelling checks in SDL Trados Studio. In Trados Studio, please select File > Options. Options dialog window appears: (The screenshot is made in Trados Studio 2021, but the process in the other versions is similar.) Select Editor on the left pane > click Spelling in the list […]

How to enable and configure spelling check in Wordfast

Wordfast can check spelling using the Word spelling engine. Recently, we discussed how to check spelling in Word and memoQ. This post is devoted to Wordfast. In Wordfast, please select Edit > Preferences. In the dialog window that appears please click Spelling on the left pane: The screenshot is made in somewhat obsolete version 2.3.0, but the way to configure the spell-checking is similar in the subsequent […]

How to enable and configure spelling check in memoQ

memoQ can check spelling using the Word spelling engine. A week time ago, we discussed how to enable and configure spell-checks in Word. This time we will make similar adjustments in memoQ. memoQ allows you to check spelling with open-source Hunspell dictionaries or with Microsoft Word engine (that is why we started the series of posts about spelling from Word). To configure […]

How to enable and configure spelling check in Word

Word is the most important program for spell-checking. According to modern quality standards, spelling mistakes are a relic of the past: they are not acceptable at all. If some word is underlined with red, it is an obvious reason to check it. This may seem strange, but in many programs, both “regular” ones and CAT tools, by default […]

How to get .mqxliff file from memoQ .mqback file

Extracting mqxliff from mqback is easy. Recently, we learned how to extract .xlf file from .mqxlz. XLIFF file in memoQ. Similar method is used to extract .mqxliff file from a memoQ delivery package, .mqback file. Like some other memoQ files, .mqback file is a usual ZIP archive. If you add .zip extension to its name and then unpack it, you get […]

Abracadabra instead of text in Word

How to turn abracadabra in your Word into readable text. In some Word files, you can encounter abracadabra like this: As you can see, codes are somehow shown instead of hyperlinks. That is because a semi-secret checkbox was, whether intended or not, selected in your Word. It is semi-secret because few users know even about its existence, to say nothing of where it […]

How to turn 100% of segments into XU and vice versa in TagEditor

You can turn 100% of segments into XU segments and vice versa even without TagEditor. It is a simple trick that can be done even without TagEditor. To turn 100% of segments into XU segments (i.e., blocked protected segments) in a .ttx file, you need to make the following replacement: <Tu MatchPercent=”100″>to<Tu MatchPercent=”100″ Origin=”xtranslate”> To […]

How to get .sdlxliff file from Trados Studio package

There is a simple way to extract .sdlxliff from Trados Studio package Recently, we already discussed how to extract .xlf file from memoQ XLIFF File (.mqxlz). Users of Trados Studio often encounter the similar challenge: how to extract .sdlxliff bilingual file from Trados Studio package. The procedure is described below; it is even simplier. 1. Like .mqxlz, an .sdlxliff file is the renamed .zip archive. Add […]

Quick memoQ reference on creating different types of files

This is a quick reference for creating different types of files in memoQ. The file is supposed to already be translated. All commands mentioned below are accessible from the dialog window that appears after right-clicking a file on the Project home tab in memoQ interface.