Blog Archive

How to remove the “An error occurred whilst trying to determine the file version” error in Trados Studio

In most cases, projects that have disappeared from Trados Studio can be restored. Another post about Trados Studio errors. The symptoms of the disease are as follows: one fine day you start Trados Studio, and it displays the “An error occurred whilst trying to determine the file version” message: You press the OK button (there is nothing else to press here anyway). Trados Studio starts […]

The CovidTM translation memory by Smartcat

Smartcat decided to create an open-access translation memorybased on the materials about the coronavirus. The same goes for Smartcat. It has become complicated these days to write a post without mentioning the name of this ill-fated virus. Taking into account the numerous texts about the coronavirus, epidemics, etc. being hastily translated in all language directions, Smartcat decided to do […]

Free QA Distiller

In the time of the pandemic, many developers are trying to help their clients. Starting from April 1 and version 9.3.5, QA Distiller (also known as QAD), a semi-automated translation quality assessment program, has become free. No, it’s not a joke. QAD is a competitor of Xbench, Verifika, and other similar programs. It has been offered in three versions so far: Freelance, Professional, and […]

On click consonants and how to write them

Every language has its specific features, but some of them are quite a challenge for translators. Among the vast diversity of sounds used by humans to construct words, the so-called click consonants, or clicks, which occur in the Khoisan languages, stand out rather distinctly. They are spoken by the people who live in Southern Africa near the Kalahari Desert. The best-known […]

How to remove the “Dependency file not found” error in Trados Studio

Usually, this error doesn’t prevent you from translating. Nevertheless, you can get rid of it. First, let’s figure out what causes it. When you create a package for translation in Trados Studio, each file you add to it gets converted into the SDLXLIFF format, and the translation is performed in this new file. The name of the SDLXLIFF […]

About the possibilities of machine translation systems

The topic of machine translation abilities is quite hot these days. Machine translation systems often amaze us with the quality of their product, both brilliant and horrible. Mr. Translator by Tencent, for instance, made a fool of itself. Quote: As of today, the biggest issue about machine translation lies in reproducing the syntax of the source language in […]

Attribute error in WordFast 5.6

In old versions of WordFast, you may get an attribute error. If you use WordFast Pro 5.6 or another version older than Wordfast Pro 5.12 and try opening TXLF files generated in the new version, you may get the following error message: Attribute ‘gs4tr:uuid’ is not allowed to appear in the element ‘file’  It takes place because earlier WF versions can’t recognize this […]

How will the Language law affect Ukrainian localization? 

In April 2019, the so-called “Language Law” was adopted in Ukraine, and in July it entered into force. The exact name of the law is “On provision of the functioning of the Ukrainian language as the State language”. The law is the result of many lengthy debates, and after its adoption, many questions were raised among translators and […]

Rage against the machine translation

Machine translation technologies are developing by leaps and bounds. They are penetrating further and further into the lives of people who have nothing to do with the translation business, not to mention professional translators. These technologies enable tourists in foreign countries to communicate with the locals with ease in a language they would otherwise have […]